Scientific publications
- Deschacht, Koen and Moens, Marie-Francine (2012) The Latent Words Language Model, Computer Speech and Language, Elsevier. (in press)
- Deschacht, Koen (2010) Weakly supervised methods for information extraction, PhD dissertation, K.U.Leuven.
- Deschacht, Koen and Moens, Marie-Francine (2007) Text Analysis for Automatic Image Annotation. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Deschacht, Koen & Moens Marie-Francine (2009) Using the Latent Words Language Model for Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling. In Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Deschacht, Koen & Moens Marie-Francine (2009) The Latent Words Language Model. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning.
- Deschacht, Koen & Moens Marie-Francine (2008) Finding the Best Picture: Cross-Media Retrieval of Content. In C. Macdonald, I.Ounis, V. Plachouras & I. Ruthven (Eds.) Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information
Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4956 (pp.539-546). Springer.
- Deschacht, Koen, Moens, Marie-Francine and Robeyns, Wouter. (2007) Cross-Media Entity Recognition in Nearly Parallel Visual and Textual Documents, in Proceedings of the 8th RIAO conference on Large-Scale Semantic Access to
Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound).
- Poulisse, Gert-Jan, Moens, Marie-Francine, Dekens, Tomas & Deschacht, Koen (2010) News Story Segmentation in Multiple Modalities, Multimedia Tools and Applications.
- Engels, Chris, Deschacht, Koen, Becker, Jan Hendrik, Tuytelaarts, Tinne, Van Gool, Luc & Moens, Marie-Fracine (2010) Automatic Annotation of Unique Locations from Video and Text. In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision
Conference 2010.
- Arias, Javier, Deschacht, Koen & Moens, Marie-Francine (2009) Content Extraction from Multilingual Web Pages. In Aly R., Hauff, C. Hiemstra, D., Huybers, T. & De Jong, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Dutch-Belgium Information
Retrieval Workshop.
- Deschacht, Koen and Moens, Marie-Francine (2006) Efficient Hierarchical Entity Classification Using Conditional Random Fields, Proc. o/t 2nd Workshop on Ontology Learning and Population.
- Pham, Phi The, Deschacht, Koen & Moens, Marie-Francine (2008) Document Clustering with User Feedback. In Eduard Hoenkamp, Martine De Cock & Véronique Hoste (Eds.). Proceedings of the 8th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval
Workshop (pp. 73-80).
- Boiy, Erik, Deschacht, Koen & Moens Marie-Francine (2008) Learning Visual Entities and their Visual Attributes from Text Corpora. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- Boiy, Erik, Hens, Pieter, Deschacht, K. and Moens, Marie-Francine. (2007) Automatic Sentiment Analysis of On-line Text. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Openness in Digital
Publishing: Awareness, Discovery & Access, June 13-15, 2007, Vienna Austria.
- Vossen, Piek and Hoffman, Katja and De Rijke, Maarten and Tjong, Erik and Sang, Kim and Deschacht, Koen (2007) The Cornetto Database: Architecture and User-Scenarios, Proceedings of the 7th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval
Workshop (DIR 2007).
- Koen Deschacht and Marie-Francine Moens (2007) Text Analysis for Automatic Image Annotation, In Proceedings of the 19th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Dastani, M. and de Jong, E., eds.), pp. 260-267.
- Deschacht, Koen and Moens, Marie-Francine (2006) Efficient Hierarchical Entity Classification Using Conditional Random Fields, 18th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- US Patent 2011/0119050. Method for the automatic determination of context-dependent hidden word distributions, Koen Deschacht and Marie-Francine Moens.
- US Patent 61/546,409. Multilocal Implicit Social Networking, Gon Zifroni, Koen Deschacht and Yuval El-Hanany, filed on Oct 12, 2011.